Thursday, December 3, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Life update

Several months after school I am now... custom framing at michaels to pay the bills,
while teaching at marmalade skies to receive free cake,
while freaking out over the poor quality photographs of my paintings, before fumbling around fruitlessly with InDesign trying to make a simple booklet to send to galleries,
and jealously pouring over the reams of incredbile art on the internet. Also wondering if I can make a bath mat that looks like this:



P.S. Laura got Handmade Nation for her bday and we watched it and it was incredible. Also we found a taxidermied billy goat that was decorated with fake flowers and bright colored candy on the horns. It was glorious.

Awesome Art Alert!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Peeking In Ya Window

Images from the next video game!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So I'm here with Katie in our new AMAZING lobby in Detroit that has a local coffee shop in it. Check out the sweet-ass mural behind me! (Taken with photobooth...sorry, it takes shit backwards!)
To quote Katie, "This looks like a place wizards would meet!"